As a leading provider of IT solutions, OSI is committed to keeping you informed about significant changes in the technology landscape that may affect your business. VMware, a cornerstone in virtualization and cloud computing, has recently announced a shift in their licensing model that impacts many of our customers.

What’s Happening with VMware?

  • As of February 5, 2024, VMware no longer offers perpetual licenses. All new purchases and renewals will transition to a new pricing matrix.
  • Licenses will now be sold with a minimum requirement of 16 cores.
  • The freeware version of VMware, previously available, has been discontinued this month.

We understand these updates may seem overwhelming, but OSI is here to simplify the transition and ensure your infrastructure continues to meet your needs efficiently and cost-effectively.

How OSI Can Help Navigate These Changes

  1. Consultation and Education: Let’s start a conversation. OSI can arrange calls with our customers to discuss these changes, explore alternatives, and provide education on the best path forward.
  2. Infrastructure Upgrade: For those affected by the minimum core count requirement, OSI offers solutions to upgrade your current infrastructure. This upgrade enables you to host additional VMs and optimize your resources.
  3. Server Consolidation and Upgrade: We can assist in consolidating and upgrading your servers to meet the new core count requirements, ensuring you maximize your investment and maintain performance.

Next Steps

We encourage you to reach out to your Account Executive or contact us through our website for any questions or to begin discussing how these changes impact your organization. Whether it’s upgrading your infrastructure, consolidating servers, or simply needing more information, OSI, together with our partners, is here to support you every step of the way.

Have a question or ready to start a conversation? Contact us today and ensure your business continues to thrive in this new VMware licensing landscape.